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  • Vol. 7 No. 4 | October 2013 <(Download or read PDF)>

    1. NTHU Wins the National Quality Award
    2. Discovering the Mechanisms of Neuron Transmission Process
    3. NTHU Faculty Members Won the Wu Ta-You Memorial Award
    4. Tsing Hua Academy: An On-the-Job Training Program for Senior Managers in Industry and Enterprise
    5. Professors Kong and Chang Won the Junior Researcher Award of Academia Sinica
    6. Prof. Wen-Hwa Chen Received the ICCES Lifetime Achievement Award
    7. Love Is in the Air at NTHU Campus
    8. NTHU Volunteers Extended Their Hospitality
    9. NTHU Students Visited Canada and Fiji: Bringing Taiwan to Different Corners of the World
    10. NTHU Launching a Large-Scale Online Open Course Ware
  • Vol. 7 No. 3 | July 2013 <(Download or read PDF)>

    1. NTHU Continues Improving in QS Ranking
    2. Go Masters Gathered in Yi Yuan
    3. The Grand Opening of Macronix Learning Resource Center
    4. Dr. Po-Yu Chen Published a Review Article in Science
    5. Exploring the Future: TEDxNTHU
    6. Three Distinguished Alumni Honored During the Anniversary Celebration
    7. NTHU Joins YouTube EDU
    8. NSC STEP Consortium and NTHU-TSMC Center for Manufacturing Excellence
    9. NTHU Celebrated Poet Chou-Yu Cheng's 80th Birthday with Music and Poetry
    10. The First Taiwanese Chemist Featured in the Author Profile
    11. Innovative and Creative Ideas to Improve the Quality of University Service
  • Vol. 7 No. 2 | April 2013 <(Download or read PDF)>

    1. Grant Opening of the New Library
    2. NTHU Tops the List of National Award Winners
    3. Professor Sue-Lein Wang's Team Published Their Research in Nature
    4. Proton May Be Smaller Than We Thought
    5. Strengthening Exchanges with Elite Universities in China
    6. Retired But Actively Involved: Volunteer Group is Here To Serve
    7. Professor Kou-Ning Chiang Received 2013 IEEE Fellowship
    8. Celebrating The Year of Serpent
  • Vol. 7 No. 1 | January 2013 <(Download or read PDF)>

    1. Unity is Strength: The Alumni Gymnasium is Officially Opened
    2. Three NTHU Professors Won National Professorship and Academic Award
    3. In Memory of President Mei Yi-chi
    4. A Cross-Strait Cooperation Platform Between the Two Tsinghua Universities
    5. Professor Ci-Ling Pan Won the 19th Teco Award
    6. Six Professors Won the 2012 Ta-You Wu Memorial Award
    7. Professors Shu-chin Liu and Yuh-Ju Sun Received the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Award
    8. A New Member of Tsing Hua Family: Dr. Jane Goodall Received NTHU Honorary Doctorate
    9. President Chen Chaired AEARU 18th AGM and 31st BOD
    10. NTHU Honored with the First Thomson Reuters Taiwan Innovation Award
    11. A Legacy Should Not Be Turned Into Ashes: Commemoration of a Governor and a General Educated at Tsinghua