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  • Vol. 8 No. 9 | December 2014 <(Download or read PDF)>

    1. Cheng Chao-Min Invents Teabag which Tests for Residues of Agricultural Chemicals
  • Vol. 8 No. 8 | December 2014 <(Download or read PDF)>

    1. International Research Team Led by NTHU's Chang Hsiang-Kuang Breaks New Ground in Astronomy
  • Vol. 8 No. 7 | December 2014 <(Download or read PDF)>

    1. NTHU Ranked as the Top University in Taiwan
  • Vol. 8 No. 6 | December 2014 <(Download or read PDF)>

    1. Po-Yu Chen's Groundbreaking Textbook on Bio-inspired Materials
  • Vol. 8 No. 5 | November 2014 <(Download or read PDF)>

    1. President Hocheng Heads Taiwan Delegation to India
  • Vol. 8 No. 4 | October 2014 <(Download or read PDF)>

    1. President Hocheng Exhorts Class of 2014 to Introspect and Dedicate Themselves to Life-long Learning
    2. Yale President Peter Salovey Receives Honorary Doctorate from NTHU
    3. Co-founder of Qualcomm Irwin Jacobs Awarded NTHU Honorary Doctorate
    4. Leaving No Stone Unturned : Two NTHU Faculty Members Elected Academicians at Academia Sinica
    5. Nobel Laureate Samuel Chao Chung Ting Addressed NTHU Students
    6. Professor Po Wen Chiu's Research on the Growth Mechanisms of Graphene Published in Nature Communications
    7. Providing Students with More than Just an Education : The Sixth Annual Outstanding Mentor Award
    8. Shin-Huei Wang wins Innovation Award for Young Researchers
    9. A Long and Winding Road Leading to NTHU:The Life and Times of Chang Ling Chia
    10. Budding Virtuoso Nian-Kai Chung Wins National Contest
  • Vol. 8 No. 3 | July 2014 <(Download or read PDF)>

    1. Celebrating NTHU's 103rd Anniversary
    2. Three Distinguished Alumni Honored at the Founding Anniversary
    3. Professor Jang-Ping Sheu Won the Pan Wen Yuan Outstanding Research Award
    4. Professor Hsiu-Hao Lin Won the Open Courseware Consortium Award Agai
    5. From NTHU's Life Science Lab to MIT's Media Lab
    6. Cross-Strait Tsing Hua Graduate Students' Forum
    7. Proud and Happy Parents Attended Their Children's Award Ceremony
    8. Pride of NTHU: Excellent Performance of NTHU Athletes at the 102nd University Game
    9. Free Hugs for Love
  • Vol. 8 No. 2 | April 2014 <(Download or read PDF)>

    1. Message from President Hong Hocheng
    2. Inauguration of the Fifteenth NTHU President
    3. Spring Festival Celebration
    4. DIT Robotics Won the Regional ASME Design Competition
    5. Five of the Graduating Seniors at Little Tsing Hua are Admitted as University Freshmen
    6. Five NTHU Professors Are Proud Winners of the Outstanding Research Award
    7. Professor Nyan-Hwa Tai Receives the Outstanding Alumni Award
    8. An Alumnus' Advice to Graduating Seniors
  • Vol. 8 No. 1 | January 2014 <(Download or read PDF)>

    1. NTHU Hall of Fame
    2. The First Joint Conference of Presidents of East Asian and European Research Universities
    3. The Founder of Qualcomm Inc., Dr. Irwin Mark Jacobs Named as a NTHU Distinguished Chair Professor
    4. Two NTHU Professors Won the National Chair Professorship
    5. Professor Mau-Chung Chang Received a NTHU Honorary Doctorate
    6. NTHU Hosted the First Taiwanese and Israeli Bilateral Conference on Life Science
    7. NTHU Hosted the 14th Cross-Strait Forum on Continue Education
    8. NTHU High School Academic Engine is Running Again
    9. Professor Shu-Jung Tang's Research Was Reported by Nature Communication
    10. Two Taiwanese Physicists Elected as Fellows of the American Physical Society