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  • Vol. 11 No. 4 | October 2017 <(Download or read PDF)>

    1. World-renowned Scientists Visit NTHU
    2. New Insights into the Language of the Oval Squid
    3. All Aboard—The Train to India Is Pulling Out
    4. High-tech Lawyers Receive Training at NTHU
    5. Cultivating Innovative Ideas at the Practical Creativity Center
    6. Two NTHU Students Going for Gold
    7. Student Volunteers Come Out In Force for the Summer Universiade at NTHU
  • Vol. 11 No. 3 | July 2017 <(Download or read PDF)>

    1. Long-term Value Stressed at this Year's Commencement
    2. NTHU Nominates Wang Mo-jen for the Nobel Prize in Literature
    3. A Major Breakthrough in Battery Technology
    4. NTHU Racing Gearing Up for Japan
    5. NTHU Researchers Discover Ancient Hoklo Dictionary
    6. Good Teachers are Worth Their Weight in Gold
    7. Benefitting Self and Others: International Volunteer Society Celebrated Its 10th Anniversary
    8. Out of Taiwan Launched at NTHU
    9. NTHU Celebrates Anniversary with a New Rendition of School Anthem
    10. Homecoming Picnic under the Breadfruit Tree
  • Vol. 11 No. 2 | April 2017 <(Download or read PDF)>

    1. New Sign Unveiled at the Nanda Campus
    2. Four NTHU Professors Received the Ministry of Education's Academic Award
    3. Three NTHU Faculty Members Won MOE's National Chair Professorship
    4. NTHU's Department of Power Mechanical Engineering Ranked Highest in Taiwan
    5. Max Planck Institutes to Establish a Branch in Taiwan
    6. NTHU Researchers Discover a Ground-breaking Molecular Switch
    7. NTHU Researchers Spearhead a Major Leap Forward in Medical Technology
    8. Professor Chien Shares Prize Money with Alma Mater
  • Vol. 11 No. 1 | January 2017 <(Download or read PDF)>

    1. A New Era in High-entropy Materials Launched at NTHU
    2. Unraveling the Mystery of Humorlessness, the Neural Correlates of Gelotophobics
    3. Hitting the Mark in the Treatment of Liver Cancer
    4. NTHU Alumnus Jordan Hu Makes a Name for Himself on Wall Street
    5. Is It Real That Cuttlefish Can Count?
    6. Taiwan's Indigenous Science Educational Animation in the International Spotlight
    7. NTHU's Online Course in Financial Management is a Big Hit in Mainland China
    8. Six NTHU Faculty Members Receive the 2016 Wu Ta-you Memorial Award
    9. Success in the High-tech Industry and the Marathon of Life