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  • Vol. 16 No. 4 | October 2022 <(Download or read PDF)>

    1. NTHU President Kao Welcomes Freshman Class
    2. Tsing Hua University Hospital Preparatory Office Officially Opens in Taoyuan
    3. Post-baccalaureate Program in Medicine Enrolls First Batch of 23 Students
    4. Shining Forth: An Exhibition of Works by Chinese Artists in Japan
    5. Bringing Chinese Language and Taiwanese Culture to American Universities
    6. Groundbreaking Insights into the Possibility of Extraterrestrial Life
    7. Interdisciplinary Research Team Discovers the Secret to Success
    8. DIT Robotics Takes Fourth Place in Eurobot Competition
    9. Researchers Discover Racial Bias in AI Diagnosis
    10. Chenggong Lake Undergoing Renovation
  • Vol. 16 No. 3 | July 2022 <(Download or read PDF)>

    1. NTHU Inaugurates New President
    2. NTHU Astronomer Helps Solve the Mystery of the Huge Bubbles at the Center of the Galaxy
    3. Tsing Hua Celebrates its 111th Anniversary
    4. NTHU Research Team Sets Up Peptide Database
    5. NTHU Post-baccalaureate Program in Medicine Holds Opening Ceremony
    6. NTHU Announces the Recipients of the 2022 Outstanding Alumni Award
    7. Making Gravitational Waves in Astronomy and Art at NTHU
    8. TSE Inaugurates New Classrooms at NTHU
    9. NTHU and Taoyuan City Expand Cooperation in Education
    10. Ceremony Held to Mark the 60th Anniversary of the Passing of NTHU President Mei Yi-chi
  • Vol. 16 No. 2 | April 2022 <(Download or read PDF)>

    1. NTHU Research Team Develops 3D Imaging System for Cancer Diagnosis
    2. NTHU Researchers Develop Biomimetic Eye
    3. A Gold Medal in Sustainability for NTHU
    4. NTHU Retains the Meizhu Trophy
    5. Great Expectations at the Opening Ceremony of the College of Semiconductor Research
    6. Tsing Hua University Hospital Gets the Go-ahead from the Ministry of Health and Welfare
    7. Work Begins on NTHU's Chun-shan UMC Concert Hall
    8. NTHU Launches the Neighbor Project for Taiwanese Students Returning from Ukraine
  • Vol. 16 No. 1 | January 2022 <(Download or read PDF)>

    1. NTHU Will Soon Inaugurate a New President
    2. A Model of Sustainability: NTHU Won the University Sustainability Award
    3. NTHU and DAICEL of Japan Jointly Develop a Revolutionary Desktop Chemical Plant
    4. Researchers Develop a Self-Powered Monitoring System
    5. Unraveling the Mystery Underlying Antibody Gene Recombination
    6. A Stitch in Time: Taiwan and Japan Join Hands in Providing Critical Care
    7. Sowing Seeds of Friendship and Cross-Cultural Understanding: The Taiwan-Europe Connectivity Scholarship
    8. UMC Sponsors the Liu Chung-laung Building and Memorial Hall
    9. A New Educational Technology Unveiled at NTHU