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  • Vol. 12 No. 4 | October 2018 <(Download or read PDF)>

    1. In Memory of Former NTHU President Shen Chun-shan
    2. NTHU Research Team Explores The World Of Water At Low Temperatures
    3. Innovative Step Counter Developed By NTHU Alumni
    4. President Hocheng's Five Suggestions For The Freshmen Class
    5. Two Philanthropists Awarded With NTHU Honoary Alumni
    6. NTHU Team Garners Awards At The 2018 ASC Student Supercomputer Challenge
    7. Low-Carbon Green Energy Summer School
    8. Diabolo Diplomacy At The United Nation's 9th University Scholars Leadership Symposium
    9. Chen Nien-chin Retains Her Crown At The World University Boxing Championship
    10. Experimental Education Implemented At NTHU
  • Vol. 12 No. 3 | July 2018 <(Download or read PDF)>

    1. The Tsing Hua Lab Opens for a Seamless Cooperation between University and Enterprise
    2. NTHU Again Leads Taiwan in US Patents
    3. NTHU Researchers Develop the Third Generation OLED
    4. Delta Establishes a Research Center at NTHU
    5. AI Research Center Inaugurated
    6. NTHU at the Forefront of AI and Secure Technology
    7. NTHU Celebrates Her 107th Anniversary
    8. A Special Exhibition Documenting NTHU's History of Resilience
    9. International Volunteer Society Prepared For a Summer of Service
  • Vol. 12 No. 2 | April 2018 <(Download or read PDF)>

    1. Mapping Out the Future of Education at NTHU
    2. NTHU Presented Four Papers at the ISSCC
    3. NTHU Awards Honorary Doctorate to Fan-Cheng Tseng
    4. NTHU Garners Three Outstanding MOOC Awards
    5. The Entrepreneurial Spirit Blossoms at NTHU
    6. At the Vanguard of High-tech Agriculture
    7. A New Waste-Oil Treatment System
    8. NTHU Wins Meichu Tournament
  • Vol. 12 No. 1 | January 2018 <(Download or read PDF)>

    1. Smart Glass Developed at NTHU
    2. Two Negatives Make a Positive: Major Breakthrough in EUV Technology at NTHU
    3. NTHU Alumnus Douglas Yu Wins Presidential Science Prize
    4. Nobel Prize in Physics Awarded for the Discovery of Gravitational Waves
    5. NTHU Research Team Develops ECG Biometric System
    6. Innovative AI Program Established at NTHU
    7. New Public Art Unveiled on Campus
    8. At the Vanguard of Innovative Education with Eric Mazur
    9. NTHU's Tu Victorious in the Golden Glove